Monday 24 February 2014

Grave of the fireflies - Film Analysis

1.Explain about the theme and type of this film

              Grave of the Fireflies starts on an evening of 1945, Japan has surrendered themselves by the end of World War 2. The rest of the animated movie tells us in flashback, how the things have come to this tragic spot. The theme of the this film is war bout it mostly focus on the after effect of it, how the people survive  and what all horrible things they do to one another when there are limited resources .

 2.Note how camera angles, lighting, music, narration, and/or editing contribute to creating an atmosphere in this film. What is the mood or tone of the film?

               The lights are dim, the music is slow and most of the camera angles and scenes are short form a distance showing the destruction in the surrounded place. The mode of the move is sad as it shows the after effect of war and how are people copying with it.

3.Explain about camera angles, lighting, music, narration, character about that film.

            A teenage boy Seita and his four year old sister Setsuko lose their house and their mother during the air raid on their home town. They both start have to live with their aunt at her place. Seita refuses to do productive work because he wants to focus all his energy and strength to make the war bearable for his sister. After a fight with their relatives, they move out of their relative house to live a life of their own

4. What is the central message(s) of this film?

            I think the central message of the move is up to each viewer to decide.  Putting that aside I don’t imagine how one would watch this movie without having some kind of strong feelings. We most likely think of war and humanity in very different way. The grave of the Fireflies helps us to see the dark side of the world.
You are going to see people do terrible're going to see terrible things happen to good people.  This film shows you just how sick the world can be, but the thing that really makes it stand out is that everything you see is believable.

5.Consider the effectiveness of the film in communicating its message. As a tool of communication, what are its strengths and weaknesses?

              The strength of the Grave of the fireflies however lies on the powerful imagery that it evokes in a person. A train in the sunset symbolizes the passage from life to death (later repeated by Miyazaki Hayao in Spirited Away). A quirky emptying box of fruit candies stands for disappearing hope and the gleaming little fireflies that die all too quickly are a symbol for the soldiers of the Japanese navy. In the end, the only thing that awaits them is a collective grave.
            The only weakness about the film the Grave of the fireflies is that it’s a Japanese animated cartoon and it’s hard for it to reach all over the world. I’m Pretty that hardly people in the Europe might even know that this film exists. 

6.How do you think the filmmakers wanted the audience to respond?

                I think the film makers want the audience to know about the tragedies and what all they face what all they had to do when their desire couldn’t match their requirements because of the lack of resources to take from. I have never seen a movie like this and I cried and I’m pretty sure not just me but who ever watch this movie cried as well. There's no giant monster to fight here.  There's no villain that the heroes have to take down.  This is a tale of the world we live in right now.  They wanted to show us that how everyday people can be pushed to their limits, which ends up changing their way of life.  Honest, hard-working folks can be scared into becoming cold, bitter shells of their former selves.  They show us how people will turn their backs on one another when it comes down to protecting themselves and their families.

7.Does this film appeal to the viewer's reason or emotion? How does it make you feel?

                       I've never cried so hard at a film before in my life.  There have not been many movies that made me cry at the end, but The Grave of the Fireflies really pulled out the inner emotion within.  It's a slow start as the movie rolls on, and we are just hit hard one after the other with bad situations that it's near impossible not to let loose with some of that emotion.  I could easily imagine some viewers crying throughout the entire movie.  It's definitely a tough film to watch, which goes to show just how amazing it is.

8.List two very important message in this film

1.Life is hard and does not always have a The Happy Ending. People make mistakes and it can have huge impact even if the mistakes are small. The boys pride got in the end, this cost him and his sister everything. 

2.People are blinded by their own problems and as a result of their selfishness, they lose their humanity. 


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