Friday 29 March 2013

Graphic Design :Green World Campaign

What is Green World Campaign?

    The Green World Campaign (GWC) has a bold agenda: Catalyze a global movement to reforest our planet, raise the living standards of the rural poor, and combat climate change. Its far-reaching aim — to plant hundreds of millions of trees while lifting millions of people out of poverty. The Green World Campaign has been cited by OnEarth, the magazine of the Natural Resources Defense Council, for its bold agenda: Turn degraded lands green again. Create holistic ways to work for the health of our shared biosphere and the harmony of our global village.

Why do we need Green World Campaign?

   The Earth is losing its trees and healthy soils. After trees are cut down, the land loses its fertility. Hunger and conflict grow. Biodiversity dwindles, and water supplies dry up. The deserts creep forward, hastening climate change. To make up for all this problems the Green world Campaign was made.

The Plan

   Plant trees. Support Eco-agriculture. Our holistic approach heals degraded soil and increases food security, creating sustainable rural communities. Helping woodland landscapes to thrive removes CO2 from the air, preserving the environment for generations to come.

How GWC connect

  • GWC work centers on tree-planting, Allying with local experts who best know the problems and opportunities in their country.
  • Work with villagers who are motivated to work for the benefits of the program. Contributions from the
  • GWC get planted right in the ground.
  • GWC are forming alliances with schools, churches, corporations, and other institutions, with a particular interest in education.
  • GWC also encourage linking environmental activities in the developed world with supporting green self-sufficiency in developing countries.

Where had GWC worked ?
   Kenya - The Green World School program, being pioneered in Kenya, is a school based environmental education program that fosters positive and proactive attitudes towards environmental conservation. The Green World School program seeks to capacity build young people in primary schools and secondary schools. 

   Mexico - The Green World Campaign Mexico, with its nonprofit partner Naturalia, supports local communities in planting trees and restoring forests, helping them become self-sufficient through ecologically sustainable practices.

Mexican girl planting trees

Mexico-guy planting trees

    Ethiopia - The Green World Campaign planted approximately 100,000 trees in pilot programs Ethiopia in 2008. This included a calliandra and gravillia tree project in collaboration with Greener Ethiopia in the Gurage Zone, and a combined reforestation/agroforestry project with MELCA in the Menegasha Suba forest.


   India - The Green World Campaign's first pilot project was for 2500 trees at the Adhar Farm in Salepally village in the Sonepur district of Orissa. 1.6 hectares have now been placed under a forestry regime, complementing 2 hectares for agricultural production. They plan to dig a farm pond in the remaining 0.4 hectare land. This farm pond will also recharge the ground water body;as well as water can be taken on dire need of watering to the crop / plantation.


   Philippines - Green World Campaign (GWC) is collaborating with nonprofit international agriculture specialists ACDI/VOCA on an exciting new project in the Philippines. ACDI/VOCA has managed agroforestry projects in the Philippines since 2002.They offer an invaluable resource to Green World Campaign’s mission to reforest our planet, raise the living standards of the rural poor, and combat global climate change. Existing and upcoming cocoa and agroforestry projects will be managed and geo-tagged by ACDI/VOCA, with the GWC contributing to capacity-building, verification, funding, carbon offset evaluation, public participation, and other activities.


    GWC has developed key strategic partnerships with institutions that share its criteria of standards, practices, and a holistic approach to ecology and sustainable development.

  • ACDI/VOCA (Washington, D.C.,




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