Tuesday 19 March 2013

Essay Structure and Review

 ESSAY STRUCTURE REVIEW: A PERSONAL                                                                          WRITING WORKSHOP

    I have gained much knowledge as to how i should start my essay with a structure have the introduction, body and conclusion and how to prepare and plan myself before start my essay.
    I got a better insight  of what i should include in my essay when i am doing the introduction, body and conclusion because i wasn't much sure about how to plan my essay and write in a order. I have made a simple plan and i will always go through this structure and plan my essay according to it.


The basic structure consists of             -      Beginning-introduction

                                                                    -          Middle-main body

                                                                    -               End-conclusion

Preparing your essay                              -       Brainstorming

                                                                    -      Associating ideas

                                                                    -      Conclusion and introduction

                                                                    -       Structured assignment

The Introduction                                     -      Arouse the reader's interest

                                                                    -    State the subject to be discussed

                                                                    -     Indicate the purpose of the essay

                                                                    -   Describe the methodology used

                                                                    -   Identify the theme or idea that the
                                                                           writer will explore

The Main Body                                         -     Present facts

       -     Explain the methodology                
       -    The Develop the argument

The Conclusion                                         -     Summaries your argument
                                                                    -    Expresses a view or opinion

Transition Sentence                                 -      The last or near last sentence of the
                                introduction should reveal the theme.
                                                                     -      The last or near last sentence of the body
                                                                            should be the climax or peak of your story

                                                                     -     The last or near last sentence of the conclusion
                                                                             should reflect on the meaning.

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