Saturday 15 September 2012


My first 2 attempts for animation in Adobe Photoshop

1. Walk Cycle
       In animation, a walk cycle is a series of frames or illustrations drawn in sequence that loop to create an animation of a walking character. The walk cycle is looped over and over, thus having to avoid animating each step again.


2. Squash and Stretch
        Squash and stretch is the phrase used to describe "by far the most important" of the 12 basic principles of animation, described in the book The Illusion of Life by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston

     When an object moves, its movement indicates the rigidity of the object. Many real world objects have little flexibility, such as furniture, however most organic objects have some level of flexibility in their shape.

     Take for example a bouncing ball. A rubber ball bounces higher and squashes more upon impact than a hard league ball. The ease with which an object squashes and stretches defines the rigidity of the material making up an object.



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