Saturday 27 December 2014

Interior Design - 3D max

Interior room design done in 3D max - Process

Final render - Edited in photoshop
Well i started by making the basic of the furniture first.... all the items that i will be needing to place in the room.

Once i was done with the furniture i added the wall and floor. Placed the furniture where i wanted them to be.

After adding the lights i took a screenshot in the realistic view of 3D-max just to show where the lights are placed and from where they are entering the room.

Did a render test of the room

Added some more details and took a final render and edited in photoshop to make it more presentable.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

High poly 3D max modeling


Olden Time Portable Television

Blocking in the main forms
Blocking in the speakers

Modeling the screen and front panel knob insets
Modeling the screen and front panel knob insets
Modeling the details of the top
Modeling the handle
Modeling the front panel knobs
Modeling the channel knobs
Modeling the hardware
Modeling the antenna
Final render

Monday 15 December 2014

The Carnival City - 3D stage concept


Well Hala Feb is coming up .. So had to design a stage for Cooking competition that will be held in the Carnival playground for people to participate :D

 So here is the process and step by step in the making of the stage :)

Starting with the basic shapes.. trying to wrap my head around the design and just throwing stuff in 

Once done with the basic shape of the stage i added the roof on top in different colors... 

Well thought of adding some posters behind .. It was looking quite empty that way

Ha time to add in some more colors... its a carnival after all :P

 Added the logo .. brought in some more materials and equipment ...  :D

Well i think its all good now... all i need to do is bring lights and do a render

And done... i  think m happy with the result :D

Thursday 11 December 2014

Zayani outside booth 3D concept and Construction

My very first official 3D design for the company :p


Construction Process

Concept Design
Final Render
Process for the stage

Well they asked for another design with the same concept after the proposal, as the cost of making the stage was quite expensive... So i did few alteration and removed the sitting area and changed the roof