Sunday 15 April 2012

Graphic Design:Ugly you and Ugly me and Installation Art

Ugly You and Ugly Me
        Look around, see anyone you fancy? Now, hit the drawing pad. Portray only the ugly side of your subject. Do not go easy on them, feeling narcissistic? Good. Now make a self-portrait of your ugly side as well, you know yourself the best. By the end of this you should have some portraits that even a mother couldn't love.

Installation art
     Installation art describes an artistic genre of three-dimensional works that are often site-specific and designed to transform the perception of a space. Generally, the term is applied to interior spaces, whereas exterior interventions are often called Land art; however, the boundaries between these terms overlap.

Fish Train art

People visit Chinese artist Huang Yongping's installation art work named 'Leviathanation' at Tang Contemporary Art of 798 Art District in Beijing


My road

  A person needs to achieve certain goals in one’s life before you can call them successful. Success is to achieve goals, you have set. I have set certain goals I would like to achieve in my lifetime. Some of these goals are personal while others are professional. My professional goals in life are to find a good job that makes me happy, get a good education, find a job that makes enough money for me to support my family, and help people
  It is very important for me to receive a good education. Most job fields require a descent education. If I don’t have an education I would not be able to function properly at the work place and I would not understand what to do. To maintain a good job that will make good money will require me to go thorough schooling or training and maybe even both. Education is the first and foremost way to become successful, because the job I will choose will need me go to school and maybe even beyond college.
  My happiness in what I do is also a goal for me I my life. There is no way someone can become successful if they are not happy with what they are doing. If their job is going to make them miserable, they will never show 100% in their work and they will shake off.
When I was a kid I always wanted to get into the army and serve my country. I was fascinated with military training, fighting using fighter jets and all. Later as I grew up I realized how dangerous it is and if u get in once there is not getting out. I changed my mind and thought its better if I don’t get into that field. For a while I had stopped  thinking  about my future and what I want to do. I was waiting for the right time and the right opportunity and knew that with time I'm sure I'll come up with something. I normally don't plan about anything or what should I do and all.
I hate future planning because most of the time they don't go according to your plan and you get the disappointing feeling and look on your face.
My mom always wanted me to be strong and work hard to achieve my dreams. She has given me a lot of courage and confident to do what every I wish for or feel like, but I was still confused about what to do.
Image 1: Fighter Pilot
At the age of 13 I was more into becoming a pilot in a jet fighter and I was so sure that no matter what I will not change my decision and I want to make my future out of it. But then again seeing news on T.V people getting killed and more important the pilot getting killed made me change my decision once again. I wanted to be on a safer side and live my life peacefully.
The next thing that got my attention was cartoons. I was very fond of cartoon, there was no such cartoon that I miss or never seen if I can understand the language that is. With that I started sketching cartoon and with time I got better with i.e. i never realized that I had a talent of drawing in me. But keeping that aside I was still confused about what to become in future.
Well being a pilot in a fighter jet  dint seem a good idea but I had the wish of flying a plan, so what is if it's not possible to fly a fighter jet I still can fly a normal plane like the jumbo jet. I can be the polite in that and it's not so life threatening as well. So there it is I finally had decided what I'm going to do in my future and was quiet happy with it.
Image 2: Jumbo Jet
I was not such a bright student in school. Most of the time in examination hall I would start drawing in the question paper rather than answering on my answer sheet. My grads started to get lower and lower. My parents were called and my teacher would complain about my marks to them every single time, it was horrible.
Once again I got stuck with the decision of what I will do in my future because with this behavior and marks there was no way I'll be able to become a pilot.
With time my drawing, sketching and painting skills kept improving. After finishing my 10th standard I had to make a decision about what course ill pickup for my future and without a doubt I wanted to take fine arts. But just my bad luck, fine arts is not provided in Kuwait and my parents did not want me to go to some other country. So I had 2 options Commerce or Science. I have no interest in Science so I took Commerce.
I suffered the next 2 years just to somehow pass and clear my school, I hate accounts. After that I focused more on my drawing skill and tried to improve. I couldn't afford any extra classes so I tried learning by myself and somehow I'll make my future with it. But on a positive note if I fail in making a future with my drawing skills I still got commerce skill, I can get into doing business, account, banking etc. So I was not afraid.
 Drawing on papers started getting boring after a while. I got my eyes on 3D animation, it's more interesting and I can keep drawing and make cartoons as well in a better way. So I started practicing how to use 3D max at home. 
Image 3: 3D character Modeling, Street Cop
After 5 months it was the time to decide and move on with my life. I made my decision of doing graphic design with animation. But was scared to turn my hobby into a profession, what if I get bored or fed-up doing it again and again, it was something I was good at and I didn't want it to go to waste. So yah, I made my decision to stick with designing and animation till the end.
My parents wanted me to do my degree in UK so they started collecting money but then later realized it's too expensive and they can't afford UK at the moment. They got me admitted in American University of Kuwait it was expensive as well, but I could work there abd earn my own fee. But few days later my mom got a call form one of my uncle saying that ‘’Rehman can do animation in Malaysia its affordable and he will end up getting a UK degree as well”. So my mom thought then why not we should send him there and like I said before I don't plan much I just go with the flow.
Now that I’m in Malaysia first thing i have in my mind is as soon as i get my degree I’ll leave Malaysia and directly go London to do my masters. As it’s my parent’s dream and wish to see me there studding, working and settling. I always wished to go there and study form the best lecturers in the animation business, but if my family can't afford to send me London then i got to have some other alternative. So i decided was ill go back to Kuwait after getting my degree and work there for one year and collect the required amount of money and go there myself with my hard work. My parents are always there to support me and I’m sure I’ll get to my destination someday. 
I have some other plans as well like become a drawing teacher in school, helping others and guide them. Most probably i will be giving classes as well as working.
 Apart from this there are also other things that I would like to do at some point. One of my dreams is to travel around the world. I have always been curious about other cultures and the differences between people in other countries. It would be amazing to travel the whole world. Furthermore I would love to bungee jump or swim with sharks, experiencing life to the limits.
But have simple interest as well like painting, graffiti , clay modeling and making comics.  Like dancing as well, helps me to be fit n keep my stamina. I have being performing on stage since the age of 9, done a lot of dancing style, loved the hip-hop. Done b-boying as well. Thought I'll continue dancing till the end but unfortunately had to stop because of my health issues.
  I played a lot of chess as well. I had no interest in chess but it was like I wanted to bunk my classes n just randomly took part in any activity n got selected for chess. The funny thing was I just played 1match and won the 1st price  hahaha I know its strange.
Well after that I got certificate n all I showed my dad , he was shocked and he made me play against him, I lost. Wanting to defeat my dad I sincerely started playing against other people and gained interest , but unfortunately I have won only 1time from my dad till now. ''no probe dad soon I'll again''  .
Well the rest are just basic basketball, football, table tennis, n all other sports
Image 4: Graffiti
Image 5: Painting
Image 6: Clay Modeling
Image 7: Comic
In the future I may have new dreams, but the first goal I have to achieve is getting my degree . This is one of the keys to accomplish my other goals and dreams. After becoming a professional, I want to start a family, one lovely wife and maybe three children's and have one beautiful cozy home to raise my kids and grow old with the people I love the most.

 I hope to achieve...
Image 4: Graffiti,